Nitro Concepts S300 Gaming Chair - Urban Camo

Nitro Concepts S300 Gaming Chair - Urban Camo

Gaming chair with camouflage pattern from Nitro Concepts' multicolour S300 series, Cover in Urban Camo, Comfortable cold foam upholstery, Top ergonomics thanks to flexible adjustment options, 50 mm castors for hard- and soft flooring, Supports up to 135 kg
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269,90 €
incl. VAT, incl. delivery costs
sku GAGC-119 |
EAN 4251442501969 |
MPN NC-S300-UC |
Manufacturer Nitro Concepts
In Stock

The Nitro Concepts S300 Urban Camo Gaming Chair combines a racing-inspired design with a rugged military feel. The Nitro Concepts S300 Urban Camo Gaming Chair builds on the line by adding an authentic high-tech military aesthetic. Now you can extend that digital camouflage skin you just unlocked to your new gaming chair.

This chair's unusual design was partially inspired by gamers utilising camouflage patterns to customise their characters and loadouts in popular FPS games. The sum of Nitro Concepts' efforts is a gaming chair that sports an iconic look that combines digital- and urban camouflage.

Since the start of the millennium, computer generated digital camo patterns have been used by armies across the world to enable improved concealment on the urban battlefield. This is possible due to the ability of these patterns to create a kind of fractal distortion at a distance, a phenomenon that gives objects the appearance of being farther away than they are in reality. Urban camouflage specifically focuses on the colour palettes commonly found in urban combat environments. For most western forces this means different shades of green and grey.

The Nitro Concepts S300 Urban Camo Gaming Chair mixes these iconic colour-schemes with a sturdy, tank-like foundation with an upholstery comfortable enough for prolonged gaming sessions.

Features of the Nitro Concepts S300 Gaming Chair

The Nitro Concepts S300 Gaming Chair at a Glance:

  • High-quality fabric cover with intense colour scheme
  • Comfortable & breathable cold foam upholstery
  • Superior durability due to augmented material strength
  • Individually adjustable ergonomics
  • Adjustable 3D armrests
  • Customisable backrest and rocking mechanism
  • Quiet 50 mm castors for a variety of floor types
  • Two comfortable cushions bundled in
  • Designed for users up to 135 kg

Outstanding Design with Urban Camouflage Pattern!

The Nitro Concepts S300 Urban Camo Gaming Chair sets itself apart with its new unique combination of vibrant colour designs. Combined with premium materials, gamers won't just be able to make exercise their imaginations, they can also expect a wide range of adjustability options as well as optimum ergonomics. The Urban Camo variant is coated in a durable cover which is soft, high-end and extremely breathable. In combination with the porous cold foam upholstery the S300 gaming chair offers the S300 gaming chair a pleasant seated experience on warmer days.

The stable frame of this vibrant gaming chair

A Stable Foundation for Impressively Vibrant Gaming Chairs

To ensure that the breath-taking design of the S300 series can be enjoyed over the long term, first-class upholstery is used atop an extremely stable steel frame. The high quality materials of this comfy gaming chair ensure that no one has to put up with squeaking and creaking or rapid wear and tear. The combination of outstanding German engineering with high-precision mechanical manufacturing ensures a flawless and extremely durable construction.

The Nitro Concepts S300 gaming chairs do not just offer impressive highlights however, the embroidered distinct Nitro Concepts logo in the headrest lends the S300 series that certain je ne sais quoi to make it unique. Furthermore the chair's base also comes with matching colours thanks to the plastic decorative strips.

High Comfort Through Premium Upholstery

Superior Comfort Through Premium Upholstery

The S300 series represents an advancement on the previous Nitro Concepts chairs. The new gaming chairs are fundamentally more open in design terms and offer a marked increase in terms of surface contact area, allowing the ergonomics to undergo a dramatic improvement. Even the seat are as well as the backrest have been optimised. With a 56 cm wide backrest and a 57 cm wide seat area, sitting on the S300 gaming chair is sure to be comfortable.

The porous, deformation resistant cold foam serves as upholstery and can boast of superior durability thanks to its thickness, which has been optimised to meet the demands of gamers. As a result it is not only breathable, but also capable of maintaining its form over the long term. The distinctive shell design also maintains the unmistakable look of a racing seat.

Unique & Improved Adjustability Options

If you've had the pleasure of sitting on the Nitro Concepts S300 gaming chair, you'll be reluctant to get up again. The fresh, vibrant design combined with numerous ergonomic adjustment options only adds to the effect. The chair is equipped with a robust and durable Class 4 gas lift allowing a 13 cm adjustment from 48 to 61 cm in height. The integrated rocking mechanism enables you to lean back to 14 degrees. Furthermore the S300 series offers an adjustable backrest as well as flexible 3D armrests. With such an extensive range of ergonomic options you are guaranteed to enjoy the perfect posture!

The Perfect Position for Every User

The Perfect Position for Every User

Nitro Concepts has used 3D armrests to set new standards in comfort, due to their superb flexibility they are ideal for the sport-orientated approach of gaming chairs. They can be adjusted comfortably in three dimensions and they allow any user to make them their own.

Those who like to recline while gaming not only have the option of using the rocking mechanism, but also adjusting the backrest itself. With an angle ranging from 90 to 135 degrees you can both sit back and relax during play or take a short nap during a lengthy load screen. Appropriately enough Nitro Concepts also offer two comfortable and ergonomic supporting cushions for the neck and lumbar regions.

Designed for Hard and Soft Flooring

Designed for Hard and Soft Flooring

A durable nylon base serves as the foundation of the S300 Series. Its five arms are highlighted by the addition of coloured accents and equipped with quiet castors. The 50 mm castors are made from a hard nylon core with a soft polyurethane covering. This means they not only run quietly over flooring, they do so both on hard as well as soft floors. The gaming chair is equipped with a stable base and the hydraulic lift is rated Safety Class 4 supporting loads up to 135 kg.

Technical Details:

  • Height Specifications:
    Total Height (with base): ca. 128 - 140 cm
    Seat Pan Height (with base): ca. 48 - 61 cm
    Backrest Height: ca. 87 cm
    Backrest Width (shoulder height): ca. 53 cm
    Backrest Width (pelvis height): ca. 56 cm
    Backrest Width (contact area): ca. 47 cm
    Outer Backrest Width (widest point): ca. 57 cm
    Inner Depth of Seat Area: ca. 47 cm
    Total Depth (without base): ca. 55,6 cm
    Armrest Width: ca. 9,5 cm
    Armrest Depth: ca. 25,5 cm
  • Weight:
    ca. 24,5 kg
  • Rocking Mechanism Tilt Angle:
    max. 14°
  • Backrest Tilt Angle:
    90° to 135°
  • Material:
    Steel (frame)
    Cold Foam (cushioning)
    Fabric (contact area + cover)
    Nylon (base)
    Nylon / Polyurethane (castors)
    Polyurethane (armrests)
  • Colour:
    Stealth Black
  • Maximum Load:
    135 kg
  • Manufacturer's Guarantee:
    2 Years
  • Features:
    Practical rocking function
    3D-Armrests with maximum adjustability
    Adjustable backrest angle (90 to 135 degrees)
    Flexible seat surface area
    Two comfortable pillows bundled in
    Deform-resistant cold foam
    Hydraulic gas lift (class 4)
    Strong 5-point base in nylon
    50 mm castors for hard and soft floors
    Stable steel construction in core
    Base comes with matching coloured accents
    Supports up to 135 kg S300: Fire safety compliance BS 5852 (UK versions only)
Klardigital - Nitro Concepts S300
Klardigital - Nitro Concepts S300


+ Belastbar bis 135kg
+ Höhenverstellbar um 13 Zentimeter
+ Armlehnen verstellbar
+ atmungsaktiver Stoff
+ Wippmechanik mitverstellbarer Rückenlehne

Games-Mag - Nitro Concepts S300 Gaming Stuhl Urban Camo
Games-Mag - Nitro Concepts S300 Gaming Stuhl Urban Camo

Der Nitro Concepts S300 Gaming-Stuhl Urban Camo bringt jeden Camouflage Fan in Schwärmen. Er sieht nicht nur super gut aus sondern bietet auch hochqualitative Möglichkeiten und vor allem Dingen ist er absolut bequem. Ihr fühlt euch wie in einem echten Rennsitz und habt auch nach stundenlangen Gaming-Sessions vorm PC keinerlei Rückenbeschwerden oder sonstige Probleme. Die Nitro Concepts Reihe überzeugt auch diesmal wieder und sorgt für ein passendes Möbelstück am Schreibtisch.

Gamezoom - Nitro Concepts S300
Gamezoom - Nitro Concepts S300

+ sehr sauber verarbeitet
+ schneller Zusammenbau
+ ausgezeichneter Sitzkomfort
+ Lendenstütze, abnehmbar
+ Nackenstütze, abnehmbar
+ viele Einstellmöglichkeiten
+ fairer Preis

Hardware Journal - Nitro Concepts S300 "Stealth Black" - Gaming Chair
Hardware Journal - Nitro Concepts S300 "Stealth Black" - Gaming Chair


+ stabile Konstruktion
+ Verarbeitung des Bezugs
+ dicke, straffe Polsterung
+ große Farbauswahl
+ angemessener Preis
+ leise Rollen
+ verstellbare, feste Armlehnen
+ gute Ergonomie (subjektiv)


Technic3D - Nitro Concepts S300 Gaming-Chair Solider Gaming-Chair für Vielsitzer
Technic3D - Nitro Concepts S300 Gaming-Chair Solider Gaming-Chair für Vielsitzer

Insgesamt ist der Nitro Concepts S300 ein solider Gaming-Chair zum guten Preis. Für 249,99 Euro bekommt man einen robust konstruierten Stuhl ohne große Schwächen, mit dem man auch lange Gaming-Sessions angenehm hinter sich bringen kann. Entscheiden muss man sich letztendlich nur für eine Farbe und ob es am Ende ein Stoffbezug sein soll. 

Game2Gether - Nitro Concepts S300 Inferno Red
Game2Gether - Nitro Concepts S300 Inferno Red

Also in Kurzform zusammengefasst: Super Qualität, gute Verarbeitung, TOP Materialien, extrem guter Sitzkonform auch nach vielen Stunden. Dies liegt natürlich an der breiten Sitzfläche, die auch nicht so extrem nach oben gezogen Seiten hat.

Solltet ihr also auf der Suche nach einem Gamingstuhl sein, der sehr bequem ist und dabei nicht ein zu großes Loch in die Kasse sprengt, dann seid ihr mit dem Nitro Concepts S300 durchaus gut beraten.

Xtreme Hardware - Nitro Concepts S300 - The Colorful Gaming Chair
Xtreme Hardware - Nitro Concepts S300 - The Colorful Gaming Chair


+ Design and overall quality
+ Different colors
+ Easy assembly
+ Competitive price

TechPowerUp - Nitro Concepts Series S300 Gaming Chair
TechPowerUp - Nitro Concepts Series S300 Gaming Chair

+ Price
+ Overall build quality
+ Wide dimensions
+ Soft fabric cover
+ Padding is plentiful
+ Adjustable and detachable neck- and lumbar-support cushions
+ Adjustable dimensions
+ Steel frame
+ Rocking mechanism
+ 3D armrests
+ Eight different color options

Bit-Tech - Nitro Concepts S300
Bit-Tech - Nitro Concepts S300

It is fairly straightforward to assemble, has no glaring quality issues, and has plenty of adjustment to help make it more comfortable for you including the important height adjustment of the chair itself and the armrests. It is certainly a dramatic upgrade over bog-standard office chairs and feels better built than cheaper gaming chairs we've looked at. The colour range is good, too.

EnosTech - Nitro Concepts S300 Gaming Chair
EnosTech - Nitro Concepts S300 Gaming Chair

 This is a great break from the normal fake leathers we see on most chairs and surely has a couple of great benefits. Fabric aside, the S300 has all of the features we would expect to see in a chair of this price and is compromised of those quality components we have mentioned. For the price, you are getting a great gaming chair that that offers great functionality and performance while remaining aesthetically pleasing and won’t break the bank! If you are considering getting a new gaming chair, I would highly recommend adding the S300 to your comparison as I can assure you, you won’t be disappointed.

eTeknix - Nitro Concepts S300 Gaming Chair
eTeknix - Nitro Concepts S300 Gaming Chair

+ Good build quality
+ Great range of colours
+ Firm yet comfortable padding
+ 3D adjustment armrests
+ Padded armrests
+ Tilt lock
+ Lumbar and head cushions included
+ Colour matched stitching and base inserts
+ Competitively priced

Allround-PC - Nitro Concepts S300
Allround-PC - Nitro Concepts S300

Es heißt, gute Bürostühle müssten teuer sein. Nitro Concepts hat mit dem S300 jedoch einen bequemen Sitz für Gamer im Angebot, der mit einem Preis von 249,90 Euro (UVP) durchaus bezahlbar bleibt. Ob die Stoffbezüge nun gefallen oder nicht, bleibt eine Geschmacksfrage. Jedenfalls ist es schön, endlich wieder ein Produkt zu sehen, das einen anderen Weg einschlägt. In Sachen Verstellmöglichkeiten und Sitzkomfort steht der Nitro Concepts S300 anderen Modellen in keiner Weise nach. Wer auf der Suche nach einem günstigen und vor allem komfortablen Gaming-Stuhl ist und nicht auf Leder- oder Kunstlederbezüge besteht, kann beherzt zum S300 greifen.

MacFay - Hardware - Nitro Concepts S300 Noir/Orange
MacFay - Hardware - Nitro Concepts S300 Noir/Orange

The +:
- Good quality
- Beautiful finish
- 7 colours to choose from
- Perfectly adjustable
- Good value for money

Vortez - Nitro Concepts S300
Vortez - Nitro Concepts S300

+ Excellent comfort
+ Looks brilliant
+ Vast range of vibrant colours available
+ Well priced for the premium feel
+ Lumbar and neck support cushions
+ Easy and fast construction
+ Receives Shamrock's approval 

Mod-your-case - Nitro Concepts - S300 Gaming Stuhl
Mod-your-case - Nitro Concepts - S300 Gaming Stuhl


+ Verarbeitung (verwendeter Stoffbezug, Nähte, Polsterkern)
+ Komfort
+ verschiedene Designs
+ Gute Ergonomie und Einstellmöglichkeit
+ Preis

Hardware Inside - Nitro Concepts S300 Gaming Chair
Hardware Inside - Nitro Concepts S300 Gaming Chair

+ Design
+ Verarbeitung
+ Verstellbarkeit
+ Bezug
+ Kissen
+ Einfache Montage
+ Bequem

Think Computers - Nitro Concepts S300 Gaming Chair
Think Computers - Nitro Concepts S300 Gaming Chair

– Fabric cover is different
– Available in 7 different color designs
– Very comfortable
– Head and lumbar pillows included and feel just right
– Price

Play3r - Nitro Concepts S300 Gaming Chair
Play3r - Nitro Concepts S300 Gaming Chair

- Easy Assembly
- Very Solid
- Ergonomic Design
- Attractive Value

Cowcotland - Nitro Concepts S300
Cowcotland - Nitro Concepts S300


+ Comfortable foam
+ Pleasant fabric
+ Good finishes
+ Price

Gaming-Stuhl - Nitro Concepts S300 Test: Neuer Stern am Himmel für Stoff-Liebhaber & Angstgegner für den Racer 1?
Gaming-Stuhl - Nitro Concepts S300 Test: Neuer Stern am Himmel für Stoff-Liebhaber & Angstgegner für den Racer 1?

Der S300 führt nicht nur das Sortiment von Nitro Concepts als Flaggschiff an, sondern ist mein Geheimtipp für alle Zocker mit schmalerem Budget.

Features, die ich bisher nur von wesentlich teureren Gaming Stühlen gewohnt war, wie die hochwertigen 3D-Armlehnen, machen den S300 in Kombination mit dem bisher hochwertigsten von mir getesteten Stoffbezug besonders attraktiv. Dazu die genialen Kissen, die großzügigen Abmessungen gepaart mit der hohen Tragkraft, das bequeme, hochwertige Kaltschaum-Polster und nicht zuletzt die stimmige farbenfrohe oder schlicht-elegante Optik – der S300 ist meine Nummer 1 im günstigeren Preissegment und die erste Wahl für Stoff-Liebhaber.

Für das phänomenale Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis und als König der mit Stoff bezogenen Zockerstühle verdient sich der Nitro Concepts S300 den Tjroven’s Choice Award 2017!

Modding - Nitro Concepts S300
Modding - Nitro Concepts S300

The positive points +

+ Finishing
+ Multiple settings
+ Comfort
+ Wide armrests
+ Quality of materials
+ Easy to assemble

Zeden - Nitro Concepts S300 gaming chair
Zeden - Nitro Concepts S300 gaming chair

+ Robust due to steel frame
+ Ease of assembly: few steps, tooling provided, quality hardware
+ Quality of finish
+ Stability
+ Plastic base that allows feet to be put on without slipping
+ Rate controlled according to the service


 Der Hersteller hat im gesamten Betrachtet alles richtiggemacht. Die Verarbeitung kann man als absolut Top bezeichnen. Die zum Einsatz kommenden Materialen entsprechen ebenfalls den höchsten Standards. Man kann den S300 in so ziemlich alle Richtungen verstellen damit er den eigenen Ansprüchen genügt und den Ergonomischen Standards entspricht.

Nitro Concepts verzichtet bewusst auf Kunstleder und setzt stattdessen auf eine hochwertige Mikrofaser. Das reduziert nicht nur den Preis, sondern sorgt wie in dem Fall für ein absolut High-Endiges Produkt zu einem aus unserer Sicht nach vernünftigen Preis.

Compliance Documents
Manufacturer Information Pro Gamersware GmbH Gaußstraße 1, 10589 Berlin, Germany [email protected]
Responsible Person Pro Gamersware GmbH Gaußstraße 1, 10589 Berlin, Germany [email protected]